All donations

Education Literacy

Education Literacy

Roshan Foundation was founded to promote literacy and higher learning in the country, it has undertaken several initiatives to improve the lives of deserving students through education.

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Health & Family Welfare

Health & Family Welfare

Role of Roshan Foundation in health services at health international level, they primarily play a major role in increasing awareness about health issues, how to prevent them and how, when, and where to seek care.

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Old Age People Help

Old Age People Help

Welcome to ‘Roshan Foundation’, a compassionate non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and improving the lives of elderly individuals in need. We believe that every senior citizen deserves to age with dignity, respect, and...

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Skill Development

Skill Development

Roshan Foundation work with the students/aged peoples of other vocational training providers to improve their employability skills through our programmes and also manage students’ placement.

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