About Roshan Foundation


Our Mission

At ‘Roshan Foundation’ our mission is to create lasting change by empowering individuals and communities through education, healthcare, and sustainable development initiatives. We strive to provide equal opportunities for all, with a particular focus on marginalized groups and vulnerable populations.


Our Vision

Our vision is to build a society where every individual has access to basic necessities, education, and healthcare services. We aim to foster an inclusive and sustainable environment where people can thrive and realize their full potential.

Areas of Focus


We believe that education is a powerful tool for empowerment and social transformation. We work towards providing quality education to children from low income families, offering scholarships, establishing libraries, and conducting educational programs to enhance learning opportunities.


Access to healthcare is a fundamental right, and we are committed to improving the health and well-being of underserved communities. Through medical camps, awareness campaigns, and collaborations with healthcare professionals, we aim to ensure better healthcare access for all.

Disaster Relief

During times of natural disasters or emergencies, we mobilize our resources to provide immediate relief and support to affected communities. Our disaster response team ensures the timely distribution of food, clean water, medical aid, and other essential supplies.

Environmental Sustainability

Recognizing the urgent need to address environmental challenges, we promote sustainable practices and advocate for the preservation of our natural resources. We engage in tree plantation drives, waste management initiatives, and awareness campaigns to promote a cleaner and greener environment.


We actively support women’s empowerment initiatives, aiming to eliminate gender-based discrimination and empower women to lead independent and fulfilling lives. We provide skill development programs, vocational training, and promote women’s rights and entrepreneurship.


Roshan Foundation was founded to promote literacy and higher learning in the country, it has undertaken several initiatives to improve the lives of deserving students through education. Roshan Foundation is making concerted efforts to preserve the rich cultural heritage of the country for the present and future generations.


Cultural heritage preservation means keeping the artifacts and traditions of a community intact against factors trying to change them or wear them away. Some common examples are restoring historical buildings, passing on an ancient
craft or recording traditional tales.

Health & Family

Role of Roshan Foundation in health services at health international level, they primarily play a major role in increasing awareness about health issues, how to prevent them and how, when, and where to seek care.

Environment Conservation

India has many environmental issues like air pollution, water pollution, poor management of waste, biodiversity loss, land or soil degradation, water scarcity, deforestation, and many more.


Roshan Foundation work with the students/aged peoples of other vocational training providers to improve their employability skills through our programmes and also manage students’ placement.


Roshan Foundation provide assistance in areas such as Health, Education, Water Supply and Sanitation, Shelter, and Infrastructure. Roshan Foundation is involved in disaster response at various stages.

Women’s Development
& Empowerment

Roshan Foundation is dedicated to helping women through activities like health, education, women empowerment, etc. It holds workshops about the cause and effects of domestic violence and takes the issues of violence to district level authorities and lower courts.

Urban Development
& Vocational Training

The Roshan Foundation focused on facilitating the creation of voice of the urban poor in the development of the city.Our Foundation’s mission is to achieve three goals; reconnected urban societies that take informed decisions to ensure sustainable urban development; strengthened local agencies with capacities for participatory community development and real evidence built from the ground up for effective service delivery.

Help to Differently
Abled Peoples

Roshan Foundation is a non-profit organization whose primary motive is to provide assistance to the differently-abled people in society. Most differently-abled people require some sort of medical care. It can be either physical or mental
assistance, which helps them survive in a social environment. Donations provided by NGOs also helps those in need of therapy or special education.

Nutrition, Rural Development & Poverty Alleviation

Roshan Foundation Developing sustainable solutions to end the problem of hunger and undernourishment in economically disadvantaged communities. Foundation Organises and conducts various donation programmes with an aim to eradicate hunger and support homeless children belonging to marginalised communities.

Donate to Roshan Foundation and help to change lives.
